Technical Inspection Services
Technical Services
We provide the following Technical Service Support in Guyana at facilities located in Georgetown Guyana
- Mechanical Engineering and Design
- Machining and Fabrication
- Hydraulic Equipment Service and Repair
- Crane Systems and Fork Lift Repairs
- Pump Systems repairs
- API Pipe Threading (license pending)
- Pipe Inspection
- NDE Inspection Ultrasonic and Magnet Particle Inspection (MPI and UT) Currently in the process of applying for ISO-9001 Certification

Sample Repair Projects
MRT Sheave Repair, Georgetown, Guyana
Scope Of Work
- Drilling Rig had a bearing that failed on a 250K MRT upper sheave assembly
- Received Sheave from rig in Georgetown, Guyana.
- Disassembled Sheave and replaced with new Bearing. Reassembled Sheave.
- Successfully repaired and returned to Drilling rig
- Upper Sheave Bearing has failed. Required to be repaired
Sheave Bearing Failure

Sheave Bearing Failure

Sheave Bearing Failure

WRT 250T Riser Tensioner Sheave Failure

Description: Inspect and Repair Riser Running Tool Hydraulic Cylinder
Damaged Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic Cylinder Repaired

Disassembled Hydraulic Cylinder

Technical Inspection Services
Storage tank inspection integrity is a vital necessity for the protection of resources, the environment and a continuation of a company’s operations.
It then becomes essential that companies employ the most effective nondestructive testing (NDT) solutions to detect any flaws within the weld seams of storage tanks and to monitor corrosion. Even the tiniest flaw or instance of microscopic wear and tear can lead to costly issues. Leveraging the proper NDT technology can ensure accuracy and efficiency.
- NDT Solutions for Weld Seams and Corrosion
- Ultrasonic Testing for Weld Inspection
- NDT Testing for Corrosion Detection
- Tank floor surveys